SMArt Horizon
A joint initiative
The SMArt Horizon collaboration is born under the partnership between FundAME, SMA Europe and the SMA Foundation, with the goal to identify new innovative, “out-of-the-box” therapies for people living with SMA, especially for the chronic population (e.g., regenerative medicine, precision-medicine, link between AI, robotics, nano-technologies and more).
These therapies may be complementary to the existing ones that target the SMN-upregulation.

Patients drive innovation
In SMArt Horizon, we and our member organisations are actively scanning the research fields for ground-breaking new research, trying to identfiy new innovative approaches for the treatment of SMA and, eventually, bring these to the SMA community.
In this initative we are closely collaborating with the SMA Foundation.
The SMArt Horizon project is supported by the Calendar Fund, generously initiated by FundAME.

New study: Testing Spinal Cord Simulation in SMA Patients
SCS stimulates sensory neurons in the spinal cord which then enhance the activity of remaining motor neurons, which can increase muscle strength and function.
SCS has shown remarkable efficacy in restoring motor function in people with spinal cord injuries and stroke.
A previous study conducted by SMA Foundation in collaboration with Roche started in October 2022 with a 22-year-old patient. It shows promising results so far: increased motor firing rates and strength were observed over the course of the study in this first patient. The second patient's study began in February 2023 and is showing promising results.
Our support:
SMArt Horizon has decided to finance the study of Spinal cord stimulation in the upper limbs, to shorten the time so that it can begin now, without having to wait for the study in the lower limbs to finish. The goal is to find out its' impact on arm and hand functionality in people living with SMA.
This study focuses on non-ambulant people, living with SMA, due to their significant unmet needs.
The study is co-financed by SMA Europe, SMA Foundation, FundAME and SMA Schweiz.
SMArt Horizon is divided into 4 steps:
Scanning and Identifying
Attracting scientists to SMA by building a relationship and by assessing the mutual relevance
Supporting by seed-funding research projects
Implementing by bringing promising research to clinics and to the patients
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